Functional Assessment and Remediation of TOTs

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Is your client or child tongue tied? Tongue tie is a common type of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs) or ankyloglossia.

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Katalógové číslo: 2598 Kategórie: Značka:


Is your client or child tongue tied? Tongue tie is a common type of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs) or ankyloglossia.

Authors, Robyn Merkel-Walsh and Lori Overland, have developed a comprehensive, evidenced-based program — the Merkel-Walsh & Overland TOTs Protocol — to assist in the identification and functional implications of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs) — commonly referred to as “tongue tie” or ankyloglossia. This practical speech and feeding program includes a pre- and post-surgical treatment plan to avoid long-term issues, such as scarring and reattachment.


  • Robyn Merkel-Walsh, MS, CCC-SLP, COM® (TalkTools Instructor) bio
  • Lori Overland, MS, CCC-SLP, C/NDT, CLC (TalkTools Instructor) bio

Contributing Authors

  • Anthony F. Jahn, M.D., F.A.C.S, F.R.C.S.(C)
  • David E. Karas, M.D.
  • Scott A. Siegel, M.D., D.D.S., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S., F.A.A.P.
  • Sharon A. Vallone, D.C., D.I.C.C.P.

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